Sunday, 19 June 2011

US bloggers: win an ARC

The Orion edition of The Lantern will be in UK bookshops this week, in readiness for the first transmission of The TV Book Club programme which goes out on More 4 on Sunday, June 26 in the evening. And just so some of my American blogging friends have a chance to read it sooner rather than later, the US publishers HarperCollins are offering the chance to win an Advance Reader's Edition here.

There are six copies of this beautifully-presented special edition available, and all you have to do to leave your name in a comment on this post, with a link so you can be contacted, and consider clicking the book's facebook "Like" gadget on this blog, though that's not mandatory purely because I don't like lots of interblogging rules!

This time next week I'll put all the names into a summer hat, and ask someone else to do a ceremonial draw. First six names out will receive the books. Sound fair? The US publication date is August 9, when The Lantern comes out as a Harper hardback, as well as an e-book and audio book.


Leovi said...

Te deseo un gran éxito y que The Lantern sea traducida a muchos idiomas, entre ellos el español, así podré leerla. saludos.

Leovi said...

I wish you great success and The Lantern is translated into many languages, including Spanish, so I can read it. regards

Anonymous said...

Yay! This is where I do a little dance you can't see from all the way over there.

Jennifer O.

Kelly Hashway said...

How exciting! Enter me please.

Alcira Molina-Ali said...

Congratulations Deborah,

What an exciting time this must be for you!
My mother and I are chomping at the bit to get our hot hands on a copy of your book Stateside!
Cheers, Alcira

Elizabeth Young said...

This is the fruition of all your hard work and disciplined joy! Please enter my name for the draw.
Best wishes, Elizabeth.

rhonda said...


Bunched Undies said...

Thank you of luck with the launch


Deb said...

Yay! I would love to get my hands on an advance copy.

Deb Aijo

Unknown said...

I would love to have a copy to read and review! Donna

Anonymous said...

Bonne chance, Deborah! Tout cela est très excitant.

Brenda said...

Looking very forward to reading (US based), so waiting. Love seeing you name on the cover.


Julia Munroe Martin said...

Looking forward to reading the book! Cheers, Julia

Anonymous said...

Crossing my fingers that I'm going to win!

is where you can find me.

Harvee44 said...

Count me in!

Book Dilettante

A Journey in Reading said...

Best of luck to you with this book. I just posted about it yesterday!


Alexis @ Reflections of a Bookaholic said...

Wow! Thanks for the opportunity :)


Lisa Erin said...

I have already per-ordered a copy from Amazon. ;)

Carol Apple said...

Putting my name in the hat! Congratulations on publishing this lovely book.

BookQuoter said...

It would be so nice to win the book and quote you:)

Unknown said...

How exciting, count me in!
Lubbockslaquer at

Unknown said...

Even though I have a ordered a copy, a second copy would make a great gift for one of my friends here in France.

sales AT

Lynne with an e said...

What exciting times for you, Deborah. All your hard work coming to fruition. I hope the book is a tremendous success and I look forward to reading it. Even my mother is keen to read it and she never reads fiction.

Lille said...

How exciting! My friends and I are waiting for this to come out in the USA. Good Luck and all the best!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Deborah! Your book has been on my "must read" list ever since I found your blog. :)

jgbeads (at) gmail (dot) com

bright star said...

Hi Deborah,
I have just bought The Lantern from Waterstones ! I am going to put it on the facebook page of Truro Community Library where I work. Hope you are still dropping in on Bright Star although I have been a bit tardy in my posting habits !! Holiday time etc. Please feel free to become a friend of our library right in th heart of Cornwall.Libraries need all the friends they can get at the moment!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Deborah and for getting onto the TV Book Club. This must be amazingly exciting for you. My copy is on order from Amazon. Looking forward to reading it.

Samantha Sotto said...

Wow! You've got an exciting week ahead! Congratulations!!!! :-)

Catherine Stock said...

I spent a summer in Buoux. Do you know it? Had a great restaurant until Peter Mayle wrote about it and the owner sold up and left. Good luck with your book, and good luck to me. Would love to read it.

peaches said...

I should have used my Google account too. So here it is.

Sam Hoffer / My Carolina Kitchen said...

How exciting for you. Congratulations and count me in. I would love to have an advance copy.

You can reach me by clicking on my name above and my email address is on my profile page.
Good luck to all.

;) said...

Tu sais que j'en suis ;)

Et comme je ne gagne jamais au jeu, à cette adresse mail tu voudras bien m'expliquer comment je fais pour le commander ???

lesapeamusings.blogspot said...

Congrats Debby, I am also looking forward to reading a copy as well.

Lisa xx

Becca said...

Deborah, I'm so looking forward to reading your book with the beautiful cover :)

I wish you much success on all continents!

dawn said...

WHAT AN HONOR this has been to follow your journey!!!!

life insurance Philadelphia said...

I’m looking to create my own blog and would like to find out where u got this from. many thanks

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