Wednesday, 1 June 2011

The cover revealed...

Exciting times here, which I am bursting to write about, but I just can’t – not yet anyway. But I can finally unveil the cover of The Lantern which has been under wraps for a while as changes have been made on both sides of the Atlantic. Rather unusually, the two different publishers – Orion in the UK and HarperCollins in the US – have opted for the same image with minor differences in presentation.

I really love it. This is a cover that is absolutely appropriate for the book, with the figure of a woman who could stand for more than one character and the brocante style in the intricate lace of ironwork which might be a gate, or a balcony, or even the fretwork of a large ornate lantern such as we light in the garden at night. Then there’s the flare of yellow, like candlelight. The American version is darker in every sense, more mossy and sombre with that slightly sinister green.

Another lovely blurb has been added on the back, this time from Paula McLain, whose wonderful novel The Paris Wife, about Hemingway and his first wife Hadley in Jazz Age Paris in the 1920s amid the fast-living set that included Zelda and F Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein and Ezra Pound, has been such a huge and well-deserved success.

“Deborah Lawrenson is a master of mood and shadow as she spins this absorbing tale of intense passion and growing dread. Her Provence is sumptuous and forbidding and utterly real. Prepare to be riveted.

—Paula McLain, author of The Paris Wife

And finally, there’s now a Facebook page for The Lantern which I shall do my best to keep updated. To see it, click here. All “Likes” gratefully appreciated!


Jules said...

The covers look fab! I do like the UK one better.

You must be excited!?! :)

K said...

The cover looks gorgeous! I also prefer the UK cover more. This is very exciting.

Anonymous said...

It is beautiful. I cannot wait to read it. To think, you were in NY. I would have come to BEA just for you!


Unknown said...

The cover looks truly amazing Deborah, can't wait to read the book!

litlove said...

It's gorgeous, Deborah, really eye-catching and full of mystery and promise!

Cornflower said...

We've talked of covers before! So glad this one is right for the book - it is truly inviting.

Kelly Hashway said...

I'm going to be different and say I like the US cover better. I think the UK one is a little washed out with all the yellow, but the US cover gives more contrast and the image is easier to see. Both are gorgeous though! Congrats!

Natasa said...

Deborah,beautiful covers!I prefer the UK cover!

Karen Wojcik Berner said...

Gorgeous covers! I cannot wait to read it.

Sam (Tiny Library) said...

What a beautiful cover - it's definitely one I would stop and have a look at in the bookshop :)

Omoy said...

Oh my looks lovely wow can't wait to read.

Unknown said...

A very lovely cover! Can't wait to read it!!

Deb said...

Yes, we Americans do love our dark and sinister - and especially our mossy green!

'...or even the fretwork of a large ornate lantern such as we light in the garden at night' If this is a taste, can't wait.

Unknown said...

The cover is wonderful. How interesting that the two different publishers agreed to use the same image. And congratulations on the blurb, too - I have been meaning to read The Paris Wife, it looks great.

Good luck with it all.

Beverly Diehl said...

Love both covers - and think it looks and sounds scrumptious, all 'round. Congratulations!

Bunched Undies said...

Both are great covers, very exciting. Heading over to FB now :)

Maureen said...

Excited for you. Congratulations!

renilde said...

So your book has a face now, beautiful!
Congratulations Deborah, x

Shannon Young said...

These are beautiful. Congratulations! I have a slight preference for the US cover, but both are lovely.

Carolyn Arnold said...

Gorgeous cover and congrats!

James Kiester said...

You're living the dream! Cherish the moment. :-)

Unknown said...


Lisa Erin said...

Marvelous! Such an exciting journey. I look forward to reading it. Lovely cover design. I will look up the Facebook page, as well.

Muriel said...

Fantastic cover! So Deborah, Provence, England, New York : it looks like you can not be stopped! I can't wait!

llevinso said...

I really really like the cover Deborah. How exciting this all must be for you! Congrats on the blurb as well :)

Anonymous said...

Both are beautiful covers! Great art work! I wish you immense success!

Unknown said...

Gorgeous, I would buy that if I saw it in a store!

Diana Hallare said...

Congratulations! I agree, they are interesting covers. Nice blog too - great pictures.

Anonymous said...

Terrific cover. Kudos to you, Deborah!

Carol said...

Congtratulations, Deborah!

I see your book has been chosen on the TV Book Club Summer 2011 reading list! :)

All best wishes


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