Sunday, 9 December 2012

If only...

If only...I had thought ahead enough to rummage through this selection of old French boxes when I had the chance. There they were in the washstand (or cradle for a Moses basket?) outside a quirkly little brocante in Céreste last summer - and they are just what I need now! Imagine the gorgeous gift presentations they would make, padded with tissue paper for homemade cakes, hand-printed notecards or a smart new diary.
This afternoon I'm tackling the wrapping of Christmas presents in readiness for a family Christmas party next week. And thanks to a fantastic Winter Fair in the village in Kent, I was able to buy many of my gifts a short walk from home. That appeals on many levels, not the least being that my self-imposed deadline of a first draft of the new novel by Christmas is fast approaching and I'm completely bound up in that.
But it's also a pleasure to be able to support small local businesses. The big players have so many advantages - buying and negotiating power, tax, whatever you want to name - that it's never been so important to buy from sole traders and start-up ventures. And these are people with vision and passion, usually offering specialist products. Wouldn't you rather receive an artisan piece of silver jewellery or aromatherapy oil than an item that had been produced in hundreds of thousands for the mass market?


Harvee44 said...

I would say yes to these local products - artisan jewelry and aromatherapy oils, yes!

Cornflower said...

Yes, another vote for the local/unique/individual here, but Deborah I'm so impressed by how far on with everything you are: a first draft almost complete and your present buying and wrapping well underway!

cathy jones said...

Absolutely I would rather receive something made locally rather than mass produced. I have a growing collection of earrings I have purchased over the years in my travels, that are all hand made and love them!

Muriel said...

Deborah, you are just too good to be true! I did all my shopping on line this year (shame on me!!!). Where do you find the time? I must have missed something. Again!!!

Yvonne Osborne said...

Absolutely! I bought a few presents at a resale shop this year. I loved rumaging through the goodies, and I picked up some nice pottery and silver serving spoons. I think one-of-a-kind artisan gifts are absolutely the best. Good luck on the new novel. I'd love to be bound up in a new first draft. Maybe after the holidays....
Thanks for commenting on my anniversary post, Deborah.

Le monde dÖ said...

Ha ha! I'm going to Céreste now to find them ;)))
Have a nice day.

Karen Wojcik Berner said...

I just love the idea of Christmas markets. Chicago has a Kris Kringle market next to the official city tree. It was lovely.

We don't have anything like it out in the suburbs. I detest malls, so I end up shopping at little specialty shops in downtown Naperville.

Happy Holidays!

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