Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy New Year 2014!

A very Happy New Year to all my loyal visitors to this blog. Thank you for all the inspiring comments. wise words, and encouragement - you make it all worthwhile.
"Happy New Year, Outlook Stormy" seems to be the general message here in England and throughout much of Europe, not only in weather terms but economically and politically. But in our village in Kent, the rainstorms have brought a reminder that kindness and neighbourliness go a long way to dispelling the gloom. At a time when we all read about fractured communities, it's quite something to realise, as a friend put it last night at a big riotous dinner party (within walking distance from home for all but two of the guests) that we could all knock at any door on the High Street and offer or ask for help. 
As the year begins, the rain is still falling steadily but it really is warm inside, despite the dripping and quirky leaks of our old houses, taking on water like ancient ships. 


  1. I would take some rain right now, Deborah, but we have snow instead, though it is and will be pretty to look at as we stay indoors!

    Wishing you a Happy New Year and looking forward to The Sea Garden this year!
    Book Dilettante

  2. Happy new year Deborah, hoping for better weather coming your way soon!

  3. Happy new year, Deborah, and may you all be dry soon!

  4. Happy New Year, Deborah! Wishing you everything you wish for in 2014. And I hope we get a chance to meet again this year.

  5. Thank you for all the lovely posts, Deborah. Wishing you much continued success in this New Year.

  6. Happy New Year! As I live near the ocean, and continue reading about the rising sea levels due to global warming, the idea of "Sea Garden" sort of takes on a whole new dimension. Looking forward to your new book, which will be ever so much more cheerful than seeing waves in my back yard. Come to think of it, the ocean must have been in my back yard at one time... I'm constantly digging up clam and oyster shells while gardening. Here's to letting the past stay in the past! Here's to 2014 and all the new things it will bring!!

  7. thanks for your good wishes and Happy New Year to you and yours. I hope this weather lets up soon or Kent will become the bog of England instead of the garden.

    Gill x

  8. Happy New Year, Deborah. May 2014 bring you more writing success. Your part of the world looks like spring to me. Ten degrees this morning here, with winds hard out of the east and the snow blowing.

  9. Sounds like a lovely village you live in. I would love some rain right about now but we're more likely to get snow here. :) Happy New Year, Deborah!
