Sunday, 25 August 2013

And the answer is...

...Portugal, as you many of you who left comments on the blog deduced! But not Lisbon. I'm in the far south in the pretty sea town of Faro, the capital of the Algarve.

Moorish influences abound - the buildings decorated with patterned tiles and wrought-iron balconies, the strongholds from the Middle Ages, the searingly bright sun - which is probably why so many of you who left guesses on the facebook page thought it was Morocco or Tunisia. We have also been in the grip of hot air blown up from the Sahara, according to the Algarve Daily News.

Here's a photo, purportedly of me, taken by Maddy yesterday on the Isle of Farol, where the lighthouse which gives the town its name is flanked by dazzling beaches. There's no doubt what was most important at that moment!


  1. So lovely! Congratulations to your daughter for learning portuguese. Between french, spanish and italian, I could barely get he gist of portuguese and its pronunciation, but I didn't take any classes either. I think it is a fascinating language.

  2. Have a great time in Portugal. I am already back home, in London, and a bit sad it is already the end of the summer.
