Thursday, 23 August 2012

The temperature rises...

The August heatwave has us in its grip. A heavy, flat heat that saps energy and slows us down. Wasps swarm and hornets drone like B52s. When the teenagers arrived back at the bus station at seven in the evening from a trip to Avignon the barometer at the nearby pharmacy was reading 41 degrees celsius.

With a houseful of guests, many hands make light work but even so, sitting inside writing blog posts has been out of the question. The computer has remained unopened in favour of lying reading under the trees, splashing in the pool and shopping for long lazy dinners by candlelight. Excuses, excuses, and here they are in pictures...

The weather forecast in the local newspaper La Provence gives hope that the worst is over. Weeks of unbroken sunshine and heat hazy landscapes have given way to cloud this morning... 

...and as I write at the kitchen table, a welcome shower of rain has started to fall... 


  1. A hot day in paradise is still a day in paradise.

  2. Long lazy dinners, that's the good life Deborah, your terrace looks gorgeous.

  3. Oh, Deborah! They are so beautiful! You have my permission to splash in the pool and read in the shade and sit around a table lit by candles with friends in the cool of evening. I haven't been blogging much of late either but I don't think I've been having as much fun as you have!

  4. Great Photos...'Some' is so much better than 'none' during heat like that. We have had a lot of heat here, but the past few weeks have given us our rainy season (last year it was virtually non-existent). I'll try to send some of it your way. :)

  5. We've had the same heatwave here in Catalonia, only we are closer to where it came, and it has been just as you descrive it. Thankfully, you managed to take great pictures, everything looks lovely there. That rain hasn't shown up here :)

  6. How long did it rain at your house? We got about a whole ten minutes. But it was ten minutes of heaven!
    It's supposed to only be 28 in my village this weekend and I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It's too hot to move, too hot to sleep.

  7. Hot or not, that candlelit dinner looks heaven to me!

  8. Exactement, Sara Louise - ten minutes and the shower was all over! Seems blissfully cool in comparison this morning, with a breeze and a few clouds, doesn't it.

  9. That purple tablecloth with the pink flowers alongside.... PERFECTION.

  10. I sympathize with you about the heat, it is zapping my energy at the moment. I never thought I would say this, but I would love rain here too!

    The photos are beautiful.

  11. I know Deborah, the heat has us in its grips as well! A great excuse for a long, lazy weekend :) Gorgeous photos as always!

  12. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos. The purple tablecloth looks amazing!


  13. It looks fabulous Deborah! However I think it does get draining when it's SO hot, bet you felt such a sense of relief when you heard the rain....oooh! and that smell afterwards! I'm envious!

    Hugs Jane

  14. I am glad that you are having such a great time. It is raining like hell in London...

  15. I am a true british weather fan, ie cold and wet so the thought of coping with 41 degrees is horrifying. I can just about manage 26 here. Im a lightweight.

  16. It was unbearably hot here for a while as well. Too hot even to think sometimes. Then the temperatures halved in a week. Now it's that nice September sunshine.
