Saturday, 28 July 2012

Treasure hunt

We love a treasure hunt, and what better to do with a house full of people and several cars after several lazy summer days by the pool? A roving treasure hunt is an old-fashoned pursuit - overtones of the Jazz Age and all that - but huge fun. It's hot and sultry in Provence, so the destination has to be somewhere there is cool in narrow shady streets. Here's the first clue: a bird cast in metal peeping through a grilled window high in the building.

But where is the location of this house that might be from a theatrical production of Romeo and Juliet? And what indeed will be the treasure?

PS. Maddy says thank you for all the lovely comments on her post - and cheers for the compliments on her writing!


  1. Oh fun! I don't have a clue yet...well, I guess I have ONE clue!

  2. Swooning from the gorgeousness over here...

    P.S. The Puig lavender cologne? Better for room deodorizing than wearing, methinks. But you absolutely must try Jo Malone's "Amber and Lavender" cologne (you can get small samples on ebay)... it's AMAZING!!!

  3. Hello Deborah
    I know this little alleyway is located or the steep wooden bird is the village of Bonnieux! I love this village, the first time I saw this bird alive :-) I thought! I also love the little chapel or are some stunning works by Louise Bourgeois and les jardins de la Louve
    good week

  4. Hello Deborah
    It seems to me that this is the rue Voltaire
    I'll put a link to a post of photos I've spent in Bonnieux

  5. Such lovely places!
    Now what might that treasure be??

