Sunday, 27 May 2012

May time

The Proust and madeleines in the previous post inevitably made me think of time passing. A La Recerche du Temps Perdu was titled Remembrance of Things Past for the publication of its first translation into English by C K Scott Moncrieff - with later revisions, this was changed to the more literal In Search of Lost Time. No matter, both capture the essence of the book, which is looking back and trying to understand in retrospect the complexities of history and human nature - the natural world, too, and the artist's role in helping others to see it in new ways. 

There's nowhere quite like England in a warm, bosky May. I've been doing very little work, I'm afraid, and plenty of walking out into drifts of bluebells and paths lined with cow parsley. And remembering too, because our daughter's going through it now, that this is exam time. For years and years, I couldn't see the candelabra blooms on the horse chestnut trees without having a clench at the stomach at the thought of important exams, even years after the event.

But I found a packet of old photos the other day, marked Cambridge, May/June 1983. Not I needed any kind of prompt to remembering exactly where and when they were taken - and in fact the top two were taken the previous year. But the party one was after Finals at one of the stream of celebrations that went on until we graduated at the end of June - there's the Pantomime King looking naughty, and the sheer relief on my face is palpable. And if either of us had had the faintest clue we'd still be together all these years later, I'm sure we would have run a mile there and then! 

(If reference to the Pantomine King has you baffled, please see this post: Periwinkles and Pantomine.)


  1. Lovely photos of "back in the day," Deborah. We've just celebrated our eldest's high school graduation. How time flies...

  2. lovely I felt the same! See myself in a corner of one of the pictures, whatjoy and innocence, little did we know then!

  3. Delightful memories of a beautiful young couple. Thanks for sharing the photographs - old photographs are the best, like fine wine they have endured the passage of time and become of vintage quality!

  4. They are great photos Deborah. Such joy and happiness radiating from the two of you! Isn't it funny when you look back in hindsight at old photos. Myself and the OH originally go back to 1977 when we first met, before our lives took us in different directions.

    I love these long, late May evenings full of light and birdsong.

