Sunday, 1 April 2012

Periwinkles and pantomime

It's not panto season...oh, yes it is in this house! For the past few weeks as I've battled to get a serious edit of the novella done before the Easter holidays, jolly tunes have risen from the piano. Rob is writing a new pantomime. Each time I venture out of my study upstairs, the proud composer insists I listen and then laugh at his latest lines.

Running gag this weekend, to which all family and visitors have been contributing, began with Mr and Mrs Winkle and their son Perry. Although they quickly changed their name to Odic-Table. Indulge us. Some very old jokes but they do make us laugh. They'll still be making the Noel Coward of the village panto laugh during each and every performance next winter. His uncontrollable appreciation of the gags is as much a feature of the show as the venerable spotlight operator ("Got '!").

So here we go. At the entrance to the ballroom, the master of ceremonies announces the arrival of guests:

"Mr and Mrs Odic-Table...and their son Perry"
"Mr and Mrs Wall-Carpeting...and their son Walter"
"From the Scottish Highlands, Major and Mrs Champions...and their son Wee Arthur"
"Mr and Mrs Hanger-Ending...and their son Cliff"
 - and my particular favourite -
"Lord and Lady Tiques-Roadshow...and their daughter Ann"

As you can see, no chance of being precious about writing novels at our place. To those readers who thought that the piano-playing Dom in The Lantern was too quiet and mysterious, all I can say is, if only...!


  1. What a delightful crew you are! Nothing like laughter to make the heart light. I love the beautiful picture also.

  2. Sounds like good fun! It is funny what stays in a novel. I thought that piano-playing Dom was pure fiction!

  3. It are these small things, the laughs, the fun among family and friends which makes us relax and feel simply happy.
    Also liked the Dirk Bogarde post, x

  4. Very healthy not to take yourself too seriously! God knows we have enough of "serious" in the publishing world.
    Smiley face here.

  5. Very clever indeed! Love it!


  6. This made me giggle. It definitely sounds like a fun.

  7. Thanks for the laugh :) And thanks for stopping by! I liked your page on FB. See you around!
    Life with our Family

  8. Hi! Stopping by from the Beck Valley Books book blog hop! Following you now: trev @

  9. I dipped into your blog again while idly surfing - these made me chuckle. Thanks!
    May I share Mr and Mrs O' Muny and their son Roy, Mr and Mrs Dacor and their daughter Wei, and Mr and Mrs Croy-Abler and their daughter Anne.

  10. Sounds like an enjoyable gathering with that pantomime show. Thanks for the good laugh . :)
