Friday, 3 February 2012

Winter wonderland

It really is snowing in Provence now - I'd heard whispers of it when I wrote my last post - and it's bitterly cold too, as it is across Europe. I couldn't resist putting these pictures up, taken some years ago and not by me. Even under a thick blanket of snow, there are enchantments - though you wouldn't want to stand too close to those icicles hanging off the roof of the bergerie...


Jo DeHart said...

Beautiful! We've had a very mild winter so far in New Jersey. (Emphasis on "so far.")

Unknown said...

So pretty! We have an odd lack of snow here in Michigan. Your pictures are magical, would love to see everything in person!

Carol said...

Looks gorgeous, but of course once the thaw sets in it is not so lovely.

Keep warm.

We are still awaiting our snow, but it is very cold.


Elizabeth Young said...

I think you've had almost as much snow as we have this year!

James Kiester said...

Very pretty. :-)

Jennifer said...

Wow that is really beautiful. We have not had any snow here in Pennsylvania. It has actually been unseasonably warm, almost spring like. It makes me kind of miss the snow......kind of.

Sara Louise said...

We had the best time playing in the snow this week! But today, it's -12 and FREEZING!!!

Anonymous said...

This is from Vanessa. For some reason, I'm no longer able to leave comments on your blog, except as 'anonymous'. Minus 10 here but not much snow, although more is forecast for tomorrow. The wind chill is freezing. Clear blue sky, though. Lovely photos - if you're inside looking at them!

Harvee44 said...

Looks beautiful; I can see the cold.

Muriel said...

Well, it was snowing in London yesterday and it was beautiful too. We went to the Tower Of London and seeing it under a white blanket was even creepier! So, when are you getting your French passport?

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