Friday, 24 February 2012

A shady spot for reading

Under a fragrant fig tree in a garden in Provence...this is where you'll find me and my books during the summer. I wrote a post about it here last August: Reading under the fig tree.

I'm re-visiting now to join in the Follow Friday blog hop. I'm been working very hard on my new book so it's been a long while since I took part in one of these but they are terrific for finding new blogs to read and follow, and for spreading the word about your own (though I apologise, I'm hopeless at trying to get buttons and official links installed). This is hosted by Parajunkee and Alison Can Read, and if you follow the links to their blogs, all will be explained. To take part, you post an answer to this question:

Where do you most like to read? Describe your spot or post a picture.


  1. Love your picture! I wish I was there right now reading away!

    Here's our FF

    Have a great weekend!


  2. Love to curl up on my bed!!!

    Thanks for stopping by.

    New Follower -- courtesy of FF


  3. That photo is particularly enticing today, as I sit at my computer, snow falling outside my window. :)

  4. Well that looks amazing, my view is snow :-(

  5. Oh wow! That looks like a lovely place to read.

    - New follower

  6. Thanks for your email Deborah -I replied and hope you got my answer. I love where you read -il looks very cosy. As for me, I read on my sofa, or on my bed...

  7. WOW! looks so nice! I am super jealous of your spot:) I followed back.

  8. Oh, that just looks like heaven. WE only get a few months out of every year where it is nice enough to sit outside and read, but I don't have any place that scenic to do so. :)

    New follower. Thanks for stopping by!

    Book Bound

  9. Wow, that looks like the perfect reading spot! I wish I could have a place like that here.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. Oh wow, Deborah - that looks like a beautiful place to sit in the sunshine and read. I am not surprised that is your favourite place to read. Great picture and choice. :)

    New to your blog!

    My Follow Friday Post|Enter my International Giveaway

  11. That looks amazing! You're very lucky. Thanks for stopping by my post. I'm now a follower!

  12. Your reading spot looks perfect. My husband is going to set up an outdoor reading spot for me. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower.

  13. That's a pretty pic! Thanks for stopping by the blog.:) Followed back.

  14. Following back! Looking forward to your posts.

  15. Reading under a fig tree? Well there went my delusions that my bed was the perfect reading spot! It looks like heaven over there :) New Follower.

    My FF
    My giveaway of Become and cool SWAG

  16. Your post title instantly drew me in. Yes, I have a favourite reading spot ... I followed the links but couldn't (sadly) understand what to do next. Do I post my favourite spot on m own blog? I sort of supposed so, so I will do that and see what happens.

    Tnak you for commenting on my Friday post, Deborah. I am thinking of you piecing together your new novel ... and looking forward to reading it.

  17. That looks awesome! I'm so jealous of it! I usually just read in my bed!

    Thank you for following me, I'm following back!

  18. What a beautiful picture!
    I totally want to read there!!!

    Thanks for stopping by my FF!

    Following back! :D

  19. Ohh, I love your reading spot! Looks very peaceful! Thanks for hopping by!

  20. I read in my home office, where I can shut everything else out.
