Saturday, 21 January 2012

Winter sharpness

The faҫade and courtyard of our house face due south. On a sharp sunny day the trees etch complex outlines over the stone and render, lifting up all the imperfections that are so much part of the charm here.  One day we might restore right back to the stones – or we might not. It’s a very different view from the courtyard in summer, when the catalpa tree next to the house is in full canopy, and the leaves of the fig, olive and walnut also provide dappled shade.

But I find this winter version energizing: there’s something about the cold and dazzling winter light that sharpens the brain cells too. I’ve been writing all week with the notes made during this sunny time, and they seem to have had a clearing effect on the work in progress as I strive for equal crispness of thought and prose.
This is why I love to write in autumn and winter, barrelling into a first draft so that I get to the stage of playing around with the words just at the time when the warmer weather makes me want to be outside and anywhere but sitting at a desk.


  1. Beautiful pics...thanks for sharing those. Your home there has such a magical quality. I'm jealous!

  2. Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures of your exquisite home. It is like a fairy tale castle any time of the year!

  3. Beautiful pictures.

    Your post makes me want to get up and take a walk, and nejoy the outdoors. I've been cooped up in my house for the better part of a week and I swear, my brain cells die in the process. LOL.

  4. Et toujours ton monde magique ! Je ne t'oublie pas, je t'enverrai ce week-end un certain livre.

  5. "as I strive for equal crispness of thought and prose"
    Well put Deborah...the writer's goal simply stated. Wonderful post.

  6. We wait in anticipation for the fruits of your winter work!!!!

  7. Gorgeous photos. I love the way the trees leave shadows on the house.

    So glad you are "in the zone" for writing. Best of luck with your new manuscript.

  8. Beautiful clarity, light and texture in the pictures. Very interesting observation likening the energy of writing to that of the seasons.

  9. Lovely pictures! This got me thinking: how come I love winter in London and you can't get enough of Provence? What is wrong with us?

  10. That façade and courtyard are just perfect with all its 'imperfections' and how lovely the look of it changing through the seasons.
    Old houses always have a very relaxing effect on me. The way nature and time have laid a patina on them, gives me a overall feeling of happiness.

  11. This difference in those two images is amazing. I have to say however that I prefer the summer version!

