Tuesday, 29 November 2011

The falling leaves

Nearly the end of November, and no writing update yet this month! It’s always the way: just when it all seems to be going so well, life has a way of pulling you up short. I made it to about 45,000 words, then had a fortnight dominated by a couple of nasty migraines that each lasted for days on end and made further progress impossible.

It was during that time of feeling disengaged that I realised that part of the draft would work much more powerfully as a separate story, perhaps a short novel. The more I thought about it the more convinced I was, although I was hesitant to suggest it to my literary agents in New York and London. To my amazement they understood my reasoning and got behind the idea immediately. With still-searing head I found myself writing publishing proposals, and then waiting on reactions.

When I did get back to my desk, it was to make tentative attempts at the new novella, leaving this autumn’s work in limbo for a while. But the stories are connected, and the idea is that the three books will form a very loose trilogy with The Lantern.

So I’m only now easing myself back into my writing routine, and building in plenty of relaxing walks which really do help focus the mind. I took my camera out the other day – a nice uphill metaphor here I think!


  1. Thanks for the beautiful pictures Deborah and for sharing your writing process with us. It was great you followed your instinct!

  2. You should always follow your instincts. Thanks for sharing the give and take between agent and writer.

  3. I am glad that you seem to be harnessing inspiration in the right path. Sure the walks in such a beautiful countryside must help.

  4. I'm sure however you decide to present the new material will be wonderful. I really like the idea of a trilogy. Best of luck in your progress.

  5. I'm sorry that you have been suffering with migraines. I hope you feel better soon.

    I agree with some of the other commentors, maybe making your one novel into two separate ones is the best way to go. Follow your instincts and good luck!

  6. Glad you are feeling better. Sorry to hear about your migraines.

    I finished "The Lantern" last week. Your novel reminded me why I love literature with a capital "L." A wonderful, old-school Gothic novel, it firmly places the reader in Provence -- the smells, the sights -- by way of exquisite prose, all the while weaving a great story.

    Thank you. I look forward to reading your next piece.

  7. Headaches are horrible and I think it is the time of year for them! Hope all is well now, The stories sound great!

  8. Sorry for your migraines Deborah. That said, I admire your discipline: 45 000 words seem really impressive to me. I can barely write a chapter right now. Sigh.
    Anyway, I can't wait to read your next project. Take care...Muriel

  9. Two things I hate: writer's block, and migraines. It's extra horrible when they coincide. Lovely pictures. Nothing relaxes me and clears my head more than a walk. Me and my camera. No better medicine than "getting out in it", as my dad says. :)

  10. Thank you so all so much for the heartwarming and encouraging comments - I really do appreciate my faithful blogging friends, especially when I'm not posting very often. Cheers to you all!

  11. Sorry to hear about your migraines. I am also a sufferer but thankfully not more than once or twice a year now. However, as you imply, the sense of disengagement from the rest of the world is not necessarily unproductive. So I hope that has really been the case for you.

  12. Sorry to hear about your headaches, but I'm glad you're back at your desk.

  13. I'm sorry to hear about your migraines as well. I didn't make it to 50k in November, but I did over 42k, which I was very proud of.

    I am always inspired when I stop by your blog Deborah :-)

