Sunday, 14 August 2011

The courtyard door

The photograph of the courtyard door on my post ‘Rooms we didn’t know were there’, prompted visual artist Ruby Elizabeth Littlejohn to comment: “The weathered colours and textures are incredibly beautiful.” Indeed they are.

I can see exactly why these images would appeal to her. Her art blog Forest Dream Weaver is full of natural delights which she transforms into inspirational wall hangings and paintings. What is especially appealing is the way she shows us the way she takes scenes and shapes, textures and colours from nature and weaves them into her own unique vision.

If you haven’t discovered her yet, I suggest you clickety-click (here) for a sample of her work and how it evolves, and (here) for just the most exquisite representation of rowan blossom you are ever likely to see, from fine detail to its place in the landscape.

As for the art-in-nature on this old courtyard door, this is one of those times when you hold back from re-painting because the old is so delightful. The knobbly iron nails have their own quiet integrity. The weathered sea-green paint has grown moss stains. Dried remains of venerable ivy have the air of fossils and the grain of the wood is so split and sun-blasted that it seems almost as if the wood is gradually resuming its origins as a tree.


  1. Une vieille porte, et on ressent toute la nostalgie d'une époque révolue. C'est si bon de côtoyer tout un passé. Et ici, on imagine très bien le travail du menuisier, et peut-être même celui du maréchal ferrant qui a prêté son concours.
    Merci Deborah, pour ces belles photos!

  2. I'm not surprised that Ruby Elizabeth Littlejohn liked your door. She After having a look at her blog, I'm running to become a follower. Thanks for the tip.

  3. Fantastic door, and I completely know what you mean about leaving it the way nature made it.

    I just finished a book I was reading, and 'The Lantern' is up next. :)

  4. Littlejohn's Rowan Blossom is gorgeous. Thank you for the intro to her blog.

    Your second image from top is wonderful.

  5. The door is incredible, as are the photographs on Forest Dreamweaver's blog. Thank you for highlighting it.

    I finished 'The Lantern' and loved it for everything that it is. i used it for my Sunday Snippet.

    Here's to your next novel, when inspiration weves its magic in your mind.

  6. the weathering on the door and the nails is so lovely- enjoyed the rowan artwork.

  7. Ruby's art unites the organic with the spiritual in her own unique way and I greatly enjoy reading about the inspiration behind her beautiful art pieces.

    Mother Nature's art is, of course, insurpassable and awe-inspiring.

    The beautifully subtle hues and layered textures in your photos of this door are sublime.

  8. 'it seems almost as if the wood is gradually resuming its origins as a tree.' You are somewhat of a visual artist yourself using a medium of words.

  9. I really love these kinds of photos - of old doors, walls, or windows. They have lived a long life, and are not ashamed of it :)

  10. What a lovely surprise Deborah!
    Thank you for the kind words and links.
    I was wondering what plans you had for the door,I'm sure it's not about to fall apart imminently!

  11. So pleased you all rushed over to discover Ruby's art, as well as enjoying the door.

    As for your question, Ruby, we still haven't decided... For the past three years we've had the statutory large French building site notice pinned up on it prominently. It's only just been freed from that!
