Friday, 7 September 2012

Bravo Brazil!

A Portuguese translation of The Lantern is published in Brazil this month - and what a cover! This may well be my favourite to date, taking as it does the basics of the evocative brocante design originally produced by Orion in the UK but giving the wrought iron a lick of dark lavender paint. The iron grille is heavier, more imprisoning perhaps, and the effect is simply stunning. The only worry now that publishers Rocco have done such a great job (I'd notice it in the bookstore, wouldn't you?) that what's inside will have to live up to high expectations for Brazilian readers. It'll be interesting to see what they make of it...
Meanwhile back in England, it's back to serious writing for me. Not quite harnessed to desk yet, but the To Do Before... list is getting shorter. Perhaps now is the time to say I'm sorry I wasn't very responsive to other people's blogs this summer. Now it can be told, but it was hard enough putting my own blog posts up after mid-July as my laptop decided that it didn't want to connect to the house wi-fi anymore. Just wasn't having any of it: no connection available. So I was reduced to begging time on any family computer that would have me and my blog ramblings, not to mention the photo downloads.
Unlike last autumn, I'm going to try to keep the blog going though it may not be any great shakes - or indeed of much interest. Some writer/bloggers put out posts about sitting for hours, keeping the tea, biscuit and word count. I take the view that writing is writing, and other subjects are more interesting. It's the words on the page that matter: you don't have to account for them. 


Harvee44 said...

The Brazilian cover is lovely! Much luck with the readers there. I bet they will love the book!

Vanessa said...

I love the Brazilian cover and hope it does well for you there. Good luck with your writing this autumn. We also had a spell without WiFi connection and it was a real pain.

Karen Wojcik Berner said...

That is a beautiful cover. Best of luck with it.

Gill Edwards said...

I dont mind if your blog gets neglected if it means who are writing us another great book

Lisa Erin said...


Muriel said...

Well, Deborah, it looks like you cannot be stopped! What's next?

Deborah Lawrenson said...

Salut Muriel! What's next? Off the top of my head...Poland, Hungary, Croatia...!

Marcheline said...

GORGEOUS cover. And have no worries... if the folks in Brazil have any soul whatsoever (and I believe they do) they will fall in love with The Lantern just like the rest of us!

M.Suhet said...

Hello Deborah!
I have a site facing the national literature, and as you will soon be launched in Brazil by Editora Rocco, I wonder if you agree to participate in a short interview.
Are some questions for readers Brazilians know more about you and your work.
I await your response.
Please answer me in suhet.elrohir @
Thank you!

liam said...

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