Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Some mystique at last...

Two new foreign editions of The Lantern have been published this month: the Czech and Slovak translations, both handled by the respected Prague publisher Fortuna Libri. Lucerna v temnotě (Lantern in the Dark) is the Czech title, and the simpler Lampa is the Slovak version. The two languages are different but inter-related. 

There's also an exceedingly fine cover, showing the facade of a very grand and desirable house - seriously, could you resist that house even if it was a step into the unknown?! But the best part for me is the name of the author: Lawrensonová. I like it. I may have to use it. "So...Mr Bond, do I surprise you...?"


K said...

The house in the book cover looks so grand! I do prefer the UK version of the cover though.

Lynne with an e said...

And you look fabulous in that catsuit you bought to go with your new moniker.

Harvee44 said...

That's a beautiful cover and I like your name in translation!

Vanessa said...

Congratulations on these new editions. I love that cover - very stylish. And best of luck with your new career as a Bond girl!

Karen Wojcik Berner said...

Lovely. And I agree, love the translation of your last name. Gratulujeme! Or at least I hope that says congratulations in Czech. I used Google translate, so one never knows...

Sara Louise said...

That's so funny that they changed your name like that! And you definitely need to be stroking a menacing looking cat sitting on your lap, with a last name like that :)

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