Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Countdown to June

A heavy box arrives...this is always a lovely moment, one of the iconic moments, I suppose, of an author's life. This one is from HarperCollins in New York, and it contains early copies of the paperback edition of The Sea Garden, due out in the US on June 16th. 
It's a beautiful book, both to look at and touch. The wisteria cover by Amanda Kain is unchanged from the hardback - so many people loved its enticing sense of mystery, that it would have made no sense to change. The back cover is slightly pearlized, which is why it has flared in the photo. Thanks again, to my editor Jennifer Barth and text designer Leah Carlson-Stanisic for all the care they put into this book. Thanks too, to Sarah Blake and Sarah Jio for their generosity in providing such alluring blurbs. 
I feel I ought to explain my absence from the blog, far longer than I intended back in March, when I wanted to devote my time to writing the next novel and coming to terms with my mother's death. But sadly my father passed away, last month, only four months after her. To say I have found a normal routine hard to maintain is an understatement. I have been quietly getting on with editing what I wrote during the winter, but social media has been beyond me.
However, over the next few weeks, I shall endeavour to put up some posts relevant to The Sea Garden to send it on its way.